I was asked a wonderful question, so I thought I'd share a quick answer in a video! This is how you get a custom mouse cursor in TempleOS: 1. Create a HolyC file where you override the DrawStdMouse function 2. Reference a sprite, either in your HolyC directly or to a separate file 3. Call Sprite3() in DrawStdMouse() with its parameters and your sprite index 4. #include your HC file in your copy of MakeHome.HC.Z in your Home directory 5. Profit! Special thank you to Dave Eddy (bahamas10) for his blasphemously-epic public domain remix of the TempleOS classic, Risen! Check his work out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC580SYuIdAIWf8ngzASdKGQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdYMA6hY_74